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Version: v2

Client (JavaScript API)

1. Install the new SDK

  1. Install the @friendlycaptcha/sdk NPM package
# uninstall the package for Friendly Captcha v1
npm remove friendly-challenge
# install the new SDK
npm install @friendlycaptcha/sdk
  1. Update your imports
import { WidgetInstance } from "friendly-challenge";


import { FriendlyCaptchaSDK } from "@friendlycaptcha/sdk";

2. Change how you create widgets

In version one you would create widgets by creating a WidgetInstance:

const element = document.querySelector("#my-widget");

const myWidget = new WidgetInstance(element, {
sitekey: "<my sitekey>",
language: "de", // German widget
doneCallback: function(response) {
console.log("Widget completed, the response: ", response)
errorCallback: function(error) {
console.err("Something went wrong in solving the captcha: ", error)
puzzleEndpoint: "",
startMode: "auto",

With version two there are some changes. Here are the most important ones

  • You first create an instance of the SDK (FriendlyCaptchaSDK)
  • You use that SDK to create widgets (sdk.createWidget(options)).
  • You use DOM events instead of callbacks (addEventListener).
  • If you are using a custom endpoint, the URL has changed.
// Create a SDK instance, you should only create one and re-use it.
const sdk = new FriendlyCaptchaSDK({
// Optional, if you want to specify a custom endpoint.
apiEndpoint: ""

// ...

const element = document.querySelector("#my-widget");

const myWidget = sdk.createWidget({
element: element,
sitekey: "<my sitekey>",
startMode: "auto",
// If you want to you can still force a specific language using `language: "de"`
// but it should not be necessary. It will automatically match the lanugage of the webpage.

myWidget.addEventListener("frc:widget.complete", (event) => {
const detail = event.detail;
console.log("Widget completed, the response: ", detail.response)

myWidget.addEventListener("frc:widget.error", (event) => {
const detail = event.detail;
console.error("Something went wrong in solving the captcha: ", detail.error)

myWidget.addEventListener("frc:widget.expire", (event) => {
console.warn("The captcha solution is no longer valid, the user waited too long.")

For details on the Javascript SDK API, see the documentation.