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Vue Integration

To integrate Friendly Captcha into your Vue application, you can use the @friendlycaptcha/sdk NPM package.

npm install @friendlycaptcha/sdk

Friendly Captcha Component

To make it easier to integrate Friendly Captcha you can use this component. It's a wrapper around the Friendly Captcha SDK that handles the creation and destruction of the widget and exposes the configuration options.

<div ref="container" class="frc-captcha" :style="{ width: '100%' }"></div>

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onUnmounted, ref, watch } from "vue";
import {
} from "@friendlycaptcha/sdk";

const sdk = new FriendlyCaptchaSDK({
apiEndpoint: "global", // Set this to "eu" if you're using the EU endpoint.
disableEvalPatching: false, // Set this to true if your Vue application uses eval in dev mode which is common in many frameworks.

defineExpose({ reset: () => widget.value?.reset() });
const props = defineProps<Omit<CreateWidgetOptions, "element">>();
const emit = defineEmits<{
(e: "complete", response: string): void;
(e: "error", error: WidgetErrorData): void;
(e: "expire"): void;

const container = ref<HTMLElement>();
const widget = ref<WidgetHandle>();

watch(container, () => {
if (widget.value) {

if (!widget.value && container.value) {
widget.value = sdk.createWidget({
element: container.value,

container.value.addEventListener("frc:widget.complete", (e) => {
emit("complete", (e as FRCWidgetCompleteEvent).detail.response);

container.value.addEventListener("frc:widget.error", (e) => {
emit("error", (e as CustomEvent<FRCWidgetErrorEventData>).detail.error);

container.value.addEventListener("frc:widget.expire", () => {

onUnmounted(() => {
if (widget.value) {
widget.value = undefined;

You can use the FriendlyCaptcha component in your application like this:


<script lang="ts" setup>
import FriendlyCaptcha from "./FriendlyCaptcha.vue";

const onComplete = (response: string) => {
console.log("Captcha complete", response);